2008년 12월 17일 수요일

Circuit bending

1. Circuit bending
Circuit bending is the creative, short-circuiting of electronic devices such as low voltage, battery-powered guitar effects, children's toys and small digital synthesizers to create new musical or visual instruments and sound generators. (wikipedia)

First Concept :
First sound project is a Toy. The original sound also very interesting. I connected with a variable resistance and Ableton live software. It can change the sound lively.

Knife toy_Circuit Bending from mvis2ong on Vimeo.

Second Concept :
I use a melody kit for making experimental sound. The reason why I choose the ipod is that is the most represent music play device. I want to show that can be a different point of view. This sound can feel unconfortable to some people. But this is also kind of music.

Circuit Bending_sound1 from mvis2ong on Vimeo.

2. The shape of sound

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3. Sound movement_test
Process : Sounds make a vibration. I use a laser pointer and reflexible materials. The vibration make a light visualization.

This is a test shot.

The shape of sound_Test Shot 01 from mvis2ong on Vimeo.

The shape of sound_Test Shot 02 from mvis2ong on Vimeo.
I use a woofer speaker so it makes more directly and clearly.

Credit by David hall

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